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Mixed Use + Housing

Mixed-use landscape architecture capitalizes on a space’s utility and allows for more diverse functionality. OJB landscape architects have created mixed-use spaces that combine functions for retail, entertainment, residential, office, hotel, and civic purposes.

East River

Houston, TX


Spring, TX


Los Angeles, CA

Union Park

Toronto, ON Canada

State Farm at Cityline

Richardson, TX

Montrose Collective

Houston, TX

Ovation Hollywood

Los Angeles, CA

Seaport San Diego

San Diego, CA

Park District

Dallas, TX

Santa Clara City Center

Santa Clara, CA

Our Ethos + Approach

The best adaptable landscapes allow large-scale environments to flourish side-by-side with intimate, human-scale opportunities. We design mixed-use experiences for flexibility and responsiveness, including seasonal changes and diverse programming needs. By understanding site contexts and community lifestyles, we design multi-purpose spaces that harmoniously blend the best of retail, hospitality, office, recreation, and entertainment. Our goal is to make spaces that can transform with changing needs, and that offer welcome for everyone.

Let's Create Together

Our work depends on highly collaborative relationships with value-driven clients. We are eager to explore creative solutions to challenges big and small, making an impact in our cities and communities. Let’s create something together!