The Office of James Burnett has won a 2010 Texas ASLA Chapter Honor Award for the ConocoPhilips Woodcreek Campus Expansion in Houston, Texas. OJB also received Merit Awards for the Enterprise Plaza at 1100 Louisiana and the Chevron Bellaire Campus, both in Houston, Texas.
Conoco Phillips Wood Creek Campus Expansion 2010 ASLA Texas Chapter Honor Award
The renovation of this corporate campus creates a new core of office, medical, fitness and public space on the 62-acre project site. Originally developed as a passive suburban landscape, the new design integrates a variety of programmed areas throughout the campus.
The jury loved the beautiful integration of water, plantings, and hardscape. They also felt that the quality of gathering and sitting spaces exceeded the standard.Enterprise Plaza; 1100 Louisiana 2010 ASLA Texas Chapter Merit Award
Faced with an open plaza that lacked amenities, the Office of James Burnett was challenged by the client and architect to develop a dynamic scheme for the office building that energizes the plaza throughout the day and night. Because the plaza is located above several levels of below-grade structure, the design also faced significant technical challenges.
The jury felt that the innovative design ideas and flexible usage of the space were worth merit.Chevron Bellaire Campus 2010 ASLA Texas Chapter Merit Award The jury appreciated the composition and integration of landscape materials used.The Chevron Bellaire Campus project is a renovation of the company’s existing 33-acre campus in Bellaire, Texas. The basis for the design was a continual radial pattern that repeats out from the chevron-shaped building. From this basis, the landscape architect created gardens and spaces for employees and visitors alike that feature plantings, a glass and steel arbor, and a 60’ long Koi pond.