Leland Federal Building

The renovation of the GT “Mickey” Leland Federal Building and Plaza significantly improved the energy performance and sustainability of the building and landscape and provided a much needed improvement to the quality of the spaces.

The renovation of the GT “Mickey” Leland Federal Building and Plaza significantly improved the energy performance and sustainability of the building and landscape and provided a much needed improvement to the quality of the spaces. The project is LEED Platinum Certified and was funded as part of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009.

The new pedestrian-friendly plaza helps create a memorable identity, offers a secure environment, and provides an inviting outdoor amenity for tenants and visitors.

A sweeping promenade from the northeast to the southeast corners serves as both the primary circulation into the building and generative framework of the plaza. This gesture is reflected in the curved architecture of the new lobby facade and the adjacent concentric tunnel which leads to offsite parking. These elements act to hold the edges of the plaza to the west and provide a contrast to the verticality of the building facade.

Outdoor congregation terraces are created within the plaza. The terraces are defined by a change in paving material, large shade trees, planting beds, and architectural seating elements-all of which reinforce the curving plan geometry. The change in paving material serves to provide a more tactile experience in the terrace as well as providing the opportunity for greater permeability. The large shade trees mitigate the harsh Texas sun. The architectural seating elements incorporate mounded berms of feature planting. Green roofs highlight the top of the new lobby to provide additional visual interest when viewed from above.

